The main idea of my concentration is body language. I rendered diverse outlooks and perspectives of people in my concentration. My goal was to create drawings that stressed the idea of body language acting as a form of communication. Body language is a way to convey information based on the body and not actual communication. Each piece tells its own story and each can be interpreted in different ways.
In my concentration the position of each individual is different. The materials I rendered for my concentration were primarily markers and for a few I used paint. My materials give a cartoony sense to the pieces but are enough to be realistic pieces. The backgrounds of certain pieces impact the mood. If it’s either sitting, standing, or on a handstand, each piece allows the observer to interpret an emotion conveyed. For example, concentration number 5, the boy holding the girl’s hand as she stands in front of him. The way the boy is positioned looking at his love sets the mood that he feels so lucky to have her. The simple gesture of holding hands expresses the feeling of not wanting to let go of such a lovely moment. Another concentration is number 6, this is where the background affects the mood. The girl sitting on the edge of the cliff creates a dangerous mood but she’s positioned in a way that allows the observer to notice she is safe enough to take a picture and call it a day. The way she faces the environment in front of her suggests a girl ready for adventure. Each piece can be interpreted by the observer however they please. My concentration was created to make a person think how body language overall can affect the emotion given off and how everyone will have different views upon it.